An analgesic or painkiller is any member of the group of drugs used to relief the pain. Analgesic drugs affecting directly to the nervous systems in various ways contain Paracetamol, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Morphine or Oxycodone. This kind of drugs becomes one of the most common medicines not only in the daily life when you are getting headache, stomachache or toothache, but also in medical services because it is able to relieve severe pain without causing anesthesia.
Analgesics fall into two major types: anti-inflammatory drugs, which reduce pain by reducing local inflammatory responses; and the opioids, which act on the brain. The opioid analgesics used to be called narcotic drugs because they can make users fall asleep and could be used either short-term or long-term relief of severe pain (known as chronic pains) which last over three months and severe enough to impair function and is more difficult to treat. Whereas, the anti-inflammatory medicines are only used for short-term period and in order to alleviate some sudden or temporary pains (known as Acute pains) such as headache, muscle strain, bruising, childbirth and arthritis.
However, like other
medicines, analgesics also bring side
effects as well. People who want to use analgesics as pain-killer should review side effects of each drug. The most
common side effect associated with analgesics is Stinging of Skin and Skin
Irritation. Besides, there are some rare
side effects of analgesics such as Allergic Reaction, Hives, Skin Ulcer. Despite being regarded as
unusual side effects, these symptoms seem very severe.
Analgesics cannot be used for pregnant, nursing because small amount of drugs absorbed systemically, and those who are over 60 years old. It is not good for children who are at the age of 12 or younger so parents should study information on interactions for specific drugs their children are taking. Moreover, prolonged or extensive use may lead to local or system toxicity and these medications may interact and cause very harmful effects when using with another kinds of drugs so remember to consult healthcare professionals or doctors before use.
If you don’t want use
medicine, there are a lot of natural analgesics around you and you may not even
know. Natural
painkillers are a great alternative to all of the chemicals and man made pills
of today with no adverse
effects and just a little money spent. You can reduce muscle pain with gingers,
cure a toothache with cloves, heal heartburn with cider vinegar, alleviate earaches with garlic, fight
tummy troubles with fish, soothe foot pain with salt, prevent PMS with yogurt, relief
mouth sores with honey...and so many natural remedies or pain-killers are
waiting for you to handle pains of all kinds.
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